Bayan Mashat •  Game Developer

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I am a

Game developer

Bayan Mashat


How I became a ballroom dance instructor, coffee aficionado, and game developer.


The traditional stereotype in my home country was that women couldn’t be scientists.

Nevertheless, I always had a hunger for learning and breaking this mold. As a high schooler, I won numerous national and international awards for coding and quickly broke that stereotype. I am proud that I pushed those thoughts aside and pursued my dreams.

Major Milestones

Moving to the U.S.

At the age of 16, I moved to Illinois. My father came along for the first few weeks, but afterward, I was completely on my own, which made me the first person in my family to move abroad. I didn’t speak the language well, so I started an ESL program to learn English.

Undergrad Internship

With help from my professors, I got an internship with Will Wright, the creator of Sims and Spores, to do game design. This became a really important first step in building my professional network.

Working at Microsoft

I was lucky to be offered a job as a game producer at one of the biggest studios at Microsoft, Turn 10, working on their flagship popular game, Forza Motorsport.

Launching My Studio

I finally launched my own indie game design studio called “Blue Tango Street”. I feel fortunate to get to create my own work-life balance and not have to worry about applying for jobs in order to gain new skills. I do everything from coding to writing software, to support roles.

Things I learned

along the way:

  • Failure is a learning opportunity.

    I had performance anxiety while taking tests and even failed a few classes during my undergraduate experience. However, I realized that my forte lied in doing more practical, hands-on work. This was an important lesson for me in my career choices going forward.

  • Don't believe everything you think.

    I tend to be overcritical of myself and get down, but over time I’ve found ways to push this aside and not stand in my own way. Also, a mentor or friend can be a good person to lean on if times get tough.

  • There are different ways to learn.

    There is a difference between being capable of learning and understanding versus knowing how to navigate the systems of learning… like test taking and accessing the right resources.

  • Entertainment is valuable.

    It is more than okay to find joy and fun in your life. Entertainment is a way to recharge your battery. And you can pursue something that just makes you happy, and that’s enough.

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PHOTOGRAPHER: Ella Sophie • Illustrator: Ana Latese


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